user profile

FAQs on how to list a product, edit product detail page, and so on

■■ About the topic ■■

We gathered the information based on questions we often receive from sellers and created this topic, which consist of the threads of questions and answers, references to help pages and Amazon Seller University excerpts. We hope you’ll find these up-to-date threads as useful.


user profile

FAQs on how to list a product, edit product detail page, and so on

■■ About the topic ■■

We gathered the information based on questions we often receive from sellers and created this topic, which consist of the threads of questions and answers, references to help pages and Amazon Seller University excerpts. We hope you’ll find these up-to-date threads as useful.


user profile

■■ Help pages and Seller University excerpts■■

Here are the list of help pages and Seller University excerpts that may help you. We also recommend you to visit other related help pages and content.

:arrow_forward:」Click the arrow to open/close the menu.

Help pages and such that can be referenced when adding products and editing listing.

Merchants@amazon.co.jp Listing Rules , the page includes < “Free gifts with purchase”, “Multi-pack items” and "Product samples."
ASIN creation policy

Requirements and Restrictions
Product title requirements
Condition guidelines
AmazonBrand Name Policy
Inventory file templates, Category listing guidelines, and BTG > Refer to ” Listing Guideline (Rules)” in " Category-Specific Inventory File Templates (English). “

Category, product, and listing restrictions
Products requiring approval

How to list products that do not have a GTIN (UPC, EAN, JAN, or ISBN)
Product Bundling Policy
Item Package Quantiry (IPQ) for bundled products
Parallel Imported Products
Adult products policies & guidelines

Stop selling a product

Manage Inventory * only Japanese.

Add a Product
Product Variations: Overview
Adding Product Variations Using Manage Inventory: Basic
Adding Product Variations Using Manage Inventory: Advanced

Main Images and Sub-Images
How to make a white background using Microsoft Word
How to make a while background for Fashion images * only Japanese.

Help pages and such that can be referenced when adding products and editing listing, using a file format.

File Formats for BMVV > to add “Book”,“Music” and "DVD&Video" products.

How to resolve errors in the product registration file

Batch product registration using a file: Registration to an existing catalog
How to use feed file for new ASIN
New Inventory File and Price & Quantity File

Product Variations: Overview
Adding Product Variations Using Manage Inventory: Basic
Adding Product Variations Using Manage Inventory: Advanced

user profile

■■ Product listing FAQs (Except when using file formats) ■■

Followings are the frequently-asked-questions from sellers.
If you have any other questions, please contact Technical Support.

:arrow_forward:」 Click the arrow to open/close the menu.

■ To Add a Product, or Edit Listing ■

Q. Are there any specific rules in each category when adding a product?

A. Please refer to Listing Guideline.

Inventory file templates, Category listing guidelines, and BTG

Refer to “Listing Guideline (Rules)” in " Category-Specific Inventory File Templates (English).”

Q. How do I add a product without a GTIN?

A. Please refer to the following and request a GTIN exemption. You can add the product if you have the exemption.

How to list products that do not have a GTIN (UPC, EAN, JAN, or ISBN)

Q. I have a GTIN exemption, but don’t know how to add a product.

A. You should be able to add a product without entering anything in the product identifier and product identifier type fields in the Vital Info section.

You still need to fill in other required fields including “model number.”
(* For a product without a model number, please enter numbers randomly.)

▼ Adding a product in Seller Central

  1. From “Inventory,” go to “Add a Product” and to “Create a new product listing.”
  2. Select a category that has been approved.
  3. When entering a brand name, copy and paste the brand name submitted for Brand Registry.
  4. Enter the “Manufacturer Part Number”.

※ If you can’t find the “Manufacturer Part Number” in the tab “Vital Info,” click “Advanced View” to show details (refer to >the screenshot below), and enter a “Manufacturer Part Number” in the More details tab.

  1. Enter other required fields, such as product description and upload product images.
  2. Save and complete.
Q. I want to bundle merchandize as a set.

A. Here is a link to the Product Bundling Policy.

Product Bundling Policyu
UPC Guidelines for bundled products

When bundling a multiple number of the same items:

In some categories, you can list bundled items by entering an Item Pack Quantity (IPQ) while using the item’s single unit GTIN.
Item Package Quantity (IPQ) for buldled products.
※ Please refer to Listing Guideline to learn in which categories you can use a single unit GTIN.

When bundling various items, or items whose category does not have an IPQ:

If the bundled items do not have a unique product identifier, please request a GTIN exemption.
※ Please check if a Product Detail Page (ASIN) already exists for the bundled items before you request an exemption. If it does, please place listing to that page.

Q. How do I list a parallel-imported product?

A. When listing a parallel-imported product, please specify “JP ParallelImport” as the value in the [Distribution Designation] item, and enter the JAN/UPC code. Once you do this, a separate Product Detail Page (ASIN) other than the one for the regular item is created. The new ASIN title will automatically say [Parallel Imported Product].
※ If a Product Detail Page (ASIN) for your parallel-imported product already exists on our site, please place listing to that page.

If there is no [Distribution Designation] in the “Vital Info,” click on “Advanced View.” You will find it in the More Details tab.



See Help Page:Parallel Imported Products

Q. I see an error code 5461.

A. Product images that show UPC and brand name are required.

Please provide the following information to Technical Support:

・ Product name (including variations in color/size/measurement/model number etc.)
・ Brand
・ Manufacturer
・ Category
・(For inventory file process report)Batch ID
・ Images of the product (front and back of the product that include a bar code along with UPC and brand name)
・ Images of the product specification, tag, etc. that demonstrates the product identifier’s association with brand name.

Q. I updated food product listing information, but it’s not reflected on the Product Detail page.

A. The “Region of Origin” may not have the specified value. Please check the value and update if necessary.

How to edit detailed information:

Please refer to the following for the specified values.

Food&Beverage Inventory File Template > "Specified Value"Sheet > The Column "産地(region_of_origin)"

Q. When I enter a JAN code while adding a product, it shows as invalid.

A. Please change the pull-down menu to “EAN.”

How to edit detailed information:


■ Images ■

Q. Images that appear in Manage Inventory are not on the associated Product Description page.

A. Please refer to the following page:

Missing product images

You can also try clear cache on your browser.
※ For details, please refer to the browser’s help page.


  1. Go to the menu button (hamburger icon).
  2. Select “Options.”
  3. Select “Privacy & Security.”
  4. Select “Clear Data” from Cookies and Site Data.
  5. Check “Cached Web Content” only.
  6. Select “Clear.”

Google Chrome

  1. Go to the menu button (ellipsis icon).
  2. Go to “More tools” and select “Clear browsing data.”
  3. Select time range, and uncheck “Browsing history” and “Cookies and other site data.”
  4. Select “Clear data.”

Internet Explorer 11

  1. Go to the tool button (Gear icon).
  2. Go to “Safety” and select “Delete browsing history.”
  3. Check “Temporary Interne files and website files” only.
  4. Select “Delete.”

Microsoft Edge

  1. Go to the menu button (ellipsis icon).
  2. Go to “Settings.”
  3. Select “Privacy & security.”
  4. Select “Choose what to clear” from “Clear browsing data.”
  5. Only check “Cached data and files.”
  6. Select “Clear.”
user profile

■■ FAQs on how to add products/edit product listing, using file formats■■

Followings are the frequently-asked-questions from sellers.
If you have any other questions, please contact Technical Support.

:arrow_forward:」 Click the arrow to open/close the menu.

Q. I see an error code 5461.

A. Product images that show UPC and brand name are required.

Please provide the following information to Technical Support:

・ Product name (including variations in color/size/measurement/model number etc.)
・ Brand
・ Manufacturer
・ Category
・(For inventory file process report)Batch ID
・ Images of the product (front and back of the product including bar code along with UPC and brand name)
・ Images of the product specification, tag, etc. that demonstrates the product identifier’s association with brand name.

Q. I don’t know how to register images using a file format.

A. You need to have your own or rented server in order to store images for upload.

※ Please provide a URL that is linked to your server. This URL must have third-party accessibility.
When using a file format, our system goes to your server, copies the product images specified by the provided URL, and uploads them to Amazon server.
The uploaded images appear on Amazon catalog as they are. As long as you can confirm that the images are displayed on the Product Detail page, the source images on your side can be removed.

You can bulk-upload images using a file, but cannot delete them all at once. Deletion must be done one by one.

Q. Any tips when using “partialupdate”?

A. When you want to change some of the product information in Manage Inventory, select “PartialUpdate” for Update/Edit in the file, and make changes to the relevant cells only. The ones that are left blank will remain unchanged.

Please note that some of the items in the file are recognized as the subordinates of the updated items, and if you leave these subordinates blank, an error may occur or they change to an initial setting.

:pushpin: For example,
● Updating “Quantity” while leaving “Lead Time” as blank.

⇒ Lead Time goes back to the Initial value.

● Updating “Quantity” while leaving “Restock Date” blank.

⇒ Restock Date goes back to the initial value.

● Updating “Quantity” while leaving “Fulfillment Center ID” blank.

⇒ It’s read as Seller fulfilled.

● Updating “Fulfillment Center ID” while leaving dangerous goods settings blank.

⇒ An error occurs.

● Updating “Standard Price” while leaving “points” values blank.

⇒ Points value goes back to the initial value.
※ This behavior is expected to be changed. Please see below:
Re. “Points” value change behavior when updating a formatted file/updating prices using Feed API [Updated on July 30]

● Updating “Condition Note” while leaving “Condition Type” blank.

⇒ An error occurs.

● Entering “Product Description” in bullet points.

⇒ You need to list up to five points. If any of the points is missing, the description remains as blank.

● ”Generic Keywords”

⇒ You need to fill in up to five keywords. If any of them is missing, keywords remain as blank.

● ”External Product ID” vs. “External Product ID Type.”

⇒ An error occurs if either is missing.

● “Sale Price,” “Sale From Date,” “Sale End Date” and “Standard Price.”

⇒ They all need to be filled in as a set, otherwise an error occurs.

● ”Sale Price Points”

⇒ If you want to update “Sale Price Points,” you also need to enter value in “Sale Price,” “Sale From Date,” “Sale End Date” and “Standard Price,” otherwise an error occurs.

They are some of the example cases when uploading an updated file format. If you face other issues, and find it difficult to resolve, please do not hesitate to contact Technical Support by phone. Our associate can assist you.

user profile

■■ Self-service Tools ■■

Suggest changes to your product detail page
Use Case: Requesting a product detail page change

user profile

■■ Topic Overview ■■

Help pages, Amazon Seller University (Excerpts)

FAQs on product listing (except using file formats)

FAQ List

■ Adding a product/Updating product information■
Q. Are there any specific rules in each category when adding a product?
Q. How do I add a product without a GTIN?
Q. I have a GTIN exemption, but don’t know how to add a product.
Q. I want to bundle merchandize as a set.
Q. How do I list a parallel-imported product?
Q. I see an error code 5461.
Q. I updated food product listing information, but it’s not reflected on the Product Detail page.
Q. When I enter a JAN code for my product for product listing, it shows as invalid.
■ Images ■
Q. Images that appear in Manage Inventory are not on Product Description pages.

*FAQs on how to add products/edit product listing, using file formats

FAQ List

Q. I see an error code 5461
Q. I don’t know how to register images using file formats
Q. Any tips when using “partialupdate”?

Self-service Tools

Any feedback and request to this topic? Please visit here.


user profile

FAQs on how to list a product, edit product detail page, and so on

■■ About the topic ■■

We gathered the information based on questions we often receive from sellers and created this topic, which consist of the threads of questions and answers, references to help pages and Amazon Seller University excerpts. We hope you’ll find these up-to-date threads as useful.


user profile

FAQs on how to list a product, edit product detail page, and so on

■■ About the topic ■■

We gathered the information based on questions we often receive from sellers and created this topic, which consist of the threads of questions and answers, references to help pages and Amazon Seller University excerpts. We hope you’ll find these up-to-date threads as useful.


user profile

FAQs on how to list a product, edit product detail page, and so on


■■ About the topic ■■

We gathered the information based on questions we often receive from sellers and created this topic, which consist of the threads of questions and answers, references to help pages and Amazon Seller University excerpts. We hope you’ll find these up-to-date threads as useful.


user profile

■■ Help pages and Seller University excerpts■■

Here are the list of help pages and Seller University excerpts that may help you. We also recommend you to visit other related help pages and content.

:arrow_forward:」Click the arrow to open/close the menu.

Help pages and such that can be referenced when adding products and editing listing.

Merchants@amazon.co.jp Listing Rules , the page includes < “Free gifts with purchase”, “Multi-pack items” and "Product samples."
ASIN creation policy

Requirements and Restrictions
Product title requirements
Condition guidelines
AmazonBrand Name Policy
Inventory file templates, Category listing guidelines, and BTG > Refer to ” Listing Guideline (Rules)” in " Category-Specific Inventory File Templates (English). “

Category, product, and listing restrictions
Products requiring approval

How to list products that do not have a GTIN (UPC, EAN, JAN, or ISBN)
Product Bundling Policy
Item Package Quantiry (IPQ) for bundled products
Parallel Imported Products
Adult products policies & guidelines

Stop selling a product

Manage Inventory * only Japanese.

Add a Product
Product Variations: Overview
Adding Product Variations Using Manage Inventory: Basic
Adding Product Variations Using Manage Inventory: Advanced

Main Images and Sub-Images
How to make a white background using Microsoft Word
How to make a while background for Fashion images * only Japanese.

Help pages and such that can be referenced when adding products and editing listing, using a file format.

File Formats for BMVV > to add “Book”,“Music” and "DVD&Video" products.

How to resolve errors in the product registration file

Batch product registration using a file: Registration to an existing catalog
How to use feed file for new ASIN
New Inventory File and Price & Quantity File

Product Variations: Overview
Adding Product Variations Using Manage Inventory: Basic
Adding Product Variations Using Manage Inventory: Advanced

user profile

■■ Product listing FAQs (Except when using file formats) ■■

Followings are the frequently-asked-questions from sellers.
If you have any other questions, please contact Technical Support.

:arrow_forward:」 Click the arrow to open/close the menu.

■ To Add a Product, or Edit Listing ■

Q. Are there any specific rules in each category when adding a product?

A. Please refer to Listing Guideline.

Inventory file templates, Category listing guidelines, and BTG

Refer to “Listing Guideline (Rules)” in " Category-Specific Inventory File Templates (English).”

Q. How do I add a product without a GTIN?

A. Please refer to the following and request a GTIN exemption. You can add the product if you have the exemption.

How to list products that do not have a GTIN (UPC, EAN, JAN, or ISBN)

Q. I have a GTIN exemption, but don’t know how to add a product.

A. You should be able to add a product without entering anything in the product identifier and product identifier type fields in the Vital Info section.

You still need to fill in other required fields including “model number.”
(* For a product without a model number, please enter numbers randomly.)

▼ Adding a product in Seller Central

  1. From “Inventory,” go to “Add a Product” and to “Create a new product listing.”
  2. Select a category that has been approved.
  3. When entering a brand name, copy and paste the brand name submitted for Brand Registry.
  4. Enter the “Manufacturer Part Number”.

※ If you can’t find the “Manufacturer Part Number” in the tab “Vital Info,” click “Advanced View” to show details (refer to >the screenshot below), and enter a “Manufacturer Part Number” in the More details tab.

  1. Enter other required fields, such as product description and upload product images.
  2. Save and complete.
Q. I want to bundle merchandize as a set.

A. Here is a link to the Product Bundling Policy.

Product Bundling Policyu
UPC Guidelines for bundled products

When bundling a multiple number of the same items:

In some categories, you can list bundled items by entering an Item Pack Quantity (IPQ) while using the item’s single unit GTIN.
Item Package Quantity (IPQ) for buldled products.
※ Please refer to Listing Guideline to learn in which categories you can use a single unit GTIN.

When bundling various items, or items whose category does not have an IPQ:

If the bundled items do not have a unique product identifier, please request a GTIN exemption.
※ Please check if a Product Detail Page (ASIN) already exists for the bundled items before you request an exemption. If it does, please place listing to that page.

Q. How do I list a parallel-imported product?

A. When listing a parallel-imported product, please specify “JP ParallelImport” as the value in the [Distribution Designation] item, and enter the JAN/UPC code. Once you do this, a separate Product Detail Page (ASIN) other than the one for the regular item is created. The new ASIN title will automatically say [Parallel Imported Product].
※ If a Product Detail Page (ASIN) for your parallel-imported product already exists on our site, please place listing to that page.

If there is no [Distribution Designation] in the “Vital Info,” click on “Advanced View.” You will find it in the More Details tab.



See Help Page:Parallel Imported Products

Q. I see an error code 5461.

A. Product images that show UPC and brand name are required.

Please provide the following information to Technical Support:

・ Product name (including variations in color/size/measurement/model number etc.)
・ Brand
・ Manufacturer
・ Category
・(For inventory file process report)Batch ID
・ Images of the product (front and back of the product that include a bar code along with UPC and brand name)
・ Images of the product specification, tag, etc. that demonstrates the product identifier’s association with brand name.

Q. I updated food product listing information, but it’s not reflected on the Product Detail page.

A. The “Region of Origin” may not have the specified value. Please check the value and update if necessary.

How to edit detailed information:

Please refer to the following for the specified values.

Food&Beverage Inventory File Template > "Specified Value"Sheet > The Column "産地(region_of_origin)"

Q. When I enter a JAN code while adding a product, it shows as invalid.

A. Please change the pull-down menu to “EAN.”

How to edit detailed information:


■ Images ■

Q. Images that appear in Manage Inventory are not on the associated Product Description page.

A. Please refer to the following page:

Missing product images

You can also try clear cache on your browser.
※ For details, please refer to the browser’s help page.


  1. Go to the menu button (hamburger icon).
  2. Select “Options.”
  3. Select “Privacy & Security.”
  4. Select “Clear Data” from Cookies and Site Data.
  5. Check “Cached Web Content” only.
  6. Select “Clear.”

Google Chrome

  1. Go to the menu button (ellipsis icon).
  2. Go to “More tools” and select “Clear browsing data.”
  3. Select time range, and uncheck “Browsing history” and “Cookies and other site data.”
  4. Select “Clear data.”

Internet Explorer 11

  1. Go to the tool button (Gear icon).
  2. Go to “Safety” and select “Delete browsing history.”
  3. Check “Temporary Interne files and website files” only.
  4. Select “Delete.”

Microsoft Edge

  1. Go to the menu button (ellipsis icon).
  2. Go to “Settings.”
  3. Select “Privacy & security.”
  4. Select “Choose what to clear” from “Clear browsing data.”
  5. Only check “Cached data and files.”
  6. Select “Clear.”
user profile

■■ FAQs on how to add products/edit product listing, using file formats■■

Followings are the frequently-asked-questions from sellers.
If you have any other questions, please contact Technical Support.

:arrow_forward:」 Click the arrow to open/close the menu.

Q. I see an error code 5461.

A. Product images that show UPC and brand name are required.

Please provide the following information to Technical Support:

・ Product name (including variations in color/size/measurement/model number etc.)
・ Brand
・ Manufacturer
・ Category
・(For inventory file process report)Batch ID
・ Images of the product (front and back of the product including bar code along with UPC and brand name)
・ Images of the product specification, tag, etc. that demonstrates the product identifier’s association with brand name.

Q. I don’t know how to register images using a file format.

A. You need to have your own or rented server in order to store images for upload.

※ Please provide a URL that is linked to your server. This URL must have third-party accessibility.
When using a file format, our system goes to your server, copies the product images specified by the provided URL, and uploads them to Amazon server.
The uploaded images appear on Amazon catalog as they are. As long as you can confirm that the images are displayed on the Product Detail page, the source images on your side can be removed.

You can bulk-upload images using a file, but cannot delete them all at once. Deletion must be done one by one.

Q. Any tips when using “partialupdate”?

A. When you want to change some of the product information in Manage Inventory, select “PartialUpdate” for Update/Edit in the file, and make changes to the relevant cells only. The ones that are left blank will remain unchanged.

Please note that some of the items in the file are recognized as the subordinates of the updated items, and if you leave these subordinates blank, an error may occur or they change to an initial setting.

:pushpin: For example,
● Updating “Quantity” while leaving “Lead Time” as blank.

⇒ Lead Time goes back to the Initial value.

● Updating “Quantity” while leaving “Restock Date” blank.

⇒ Restock Date goes back to the initial value.

● Updating “Quantity” while leaving “Fulfillment Center ID” blank.

⇒ It’s read as Seller fulfilled.

● Updating “Fulfillment Center ID” while leaving dangerous goods settings blank.

⇒ An error occurs.

● Updating “Standard Price” while leaving “points” values blank.

⇒ Points value goes back to the initial value.
※ This behavior is expected to be changed. Please see below:
Re. “Points” value change behavior when updating a formatted file/updating prices using Feed API [Updated on July 30]

● Updating “Condition Note” while leaving “Condition Type” blank.

⇒ An error occurs.

● Entering “Product Description” in bullet points.

⇒ You need to list up to five points. If any of the points is missing, the description remains as blank.

● ”Generic Keywords”

⇒ You need to fill in up to five keywords. If any of them is missing, keywords remain as blank.

● ”External Product ID” vs. “External Product ID Type.”

⇒ An error occurs if either is missing.

● “Sale Price,” “Sale From Date,” “Sale End Date” and “Standard Price.”

⇒ They all need to be filled in as a set, otherwise an error occurs.

● ”Sale Price Points”

⇒ If you want to update “Sale Price Points,” you also need to enter value in “Sale Price,” “Sale From Date,” “Sale End Date” and “Standard Price,” otherwise an error occurs.

They are some of the example cases when uploading an updated file format. If you face other issues, and find it difficult to resolve, please do not hesitate to contact Technical Support by phone. Our associate can assist you.

user profile

■■ Self-service Tools ■■

Suggest changes to your product detail page
Use Case: Requesting a product detail page change

user profile

■■ Topic Overview ■■

Help pages, Amazon Seller University (Excerpts)

FAQs on product listing (except using file formats)

FAQ List

■ Adding a product/Updating product information■
Q. Are there any specific rules in each category when adding a product?
Q. How do I add a product without a GTIN?
Q. I have a GTIN exemption, but don’t know how to add a product.
Q. I want to bundle merchandize as a set.
Q. How do I list a parallel-imported product?
Q. I see an error code 5461.
Q. I updated food product listing information, but it’s not reflected on the Product Detail page.
Q. When I enter a JAN code for my product for product listing, it shows as invalid.
■ Images ■
Q. Images that appear in Manage Inventory are not on Product Description pages.

*FAQs on how to add products/edit product listing, using file formats

FAQ List

Q. I see an error code 5461
Q. I don’t know how to register images using file formats
Q. Any tips when using “partialupdate”?

Self-service Tools

Any feedback and request to this topic? Please visit here.


user profile

■■ Help pages and Seller University excerpts■■

Here are the list of help pages and Seller University excerpts that may help you. We also recommend you to visit other related help pages and content.

:arrow_forward:」Click the arrow to open/close the menu.

Help pages and such that can be referenced when adding products and editing listing.

Merchants@amazon.co.jp Listing Rules , the page includes < “Free gifts with purchase”, “Multi-pack items” and "Product samples."
ASIN creation policy

Requirements and Restrictions
Product title requirements
Condition guidelines
AmazonBrand Name Policy
Inventory file templates, Category listing guidelines, and BTG > Refer to ” Listing Guideline (Rules)” in " Category-Specific Inventory File Templates (English). “

Category, product, and listing restrictions
Products requiring approval

How to list products that do not have a GTIN (UPC, EAN, JAN, or ISBN)
Product Bundling Policy
Item Package Quantiry (IPQ) for bundled products
Parallel Imported Products
Adult products policies & guidelines

Stop selling a product

Manage Inventory * only Japanese.

Add a Product
Product Variations: Overview
Adding Product Variations Using Manage Inventory: Basic
Adding Product Variations Using Manage Inventory: Advanced

Main Images and Sub-Images
How to make a white background using Microsoft Word
How to make a while background for Fashion images * only Japanese.

Help pages and such that can be referenced when adding products and editing listing, using a file format.

File Formats for BMVV > to add “Book”,“Music” and "DVD&Video" products.

How to resolve errors in the product registration file

Batch product registration using a file: Registration to an existing catalog
How to use feed file for new ASIN
New Inventory File and Price & Quantity File

Product Variations: Overview
Adding Product Variations Using Manage Inventory: Basic
Adding Product Variations Using Manage Inventory: Advanced

user profile

■■ Help pages and Seller University excerpts■■

Here are the list of help pages and Seller University excerpts that may help you. We also recommend you to visit other related help pages and content.

:arrow_forward:」Click the arrow to open/close the menu.

Help pages and such that can be referenced when adding products and editing listing.

Merchants@amazon.co.jp Listing Rules , the page includes < “Free gifts with purchase”, “Multi-pack items” and "Product samples."
ASIN creation policy

Requirements and Restrictions
Product title requirements
Condition guidelines
AmazonBrand Name Policy
Inventory file templates, Category listing guidelines, and BTG > Refer to ” Listing Guideline (Rules)” in " Category-Specific Inventory File Templates (English). “

Category, product, and listing restrictions
Products requiring approval

How to list products that do not have a GTIN (UPC, EAN, JAN, or ISBN)
Product Bundling Policy
Item Package Quantiry (IPQ) for bundled products
Parallel Imported Products
Adult products policies & guidelines

Stop selling a product

Manage Inventory * only Japanese.

Add a Product
Product Variations: Overview
Adding Product Variations Using Manage Inventory: Basic
Adding Product Variations Using Manage Inventory: Advanced

Main Images and Sub-Images
How to make a white background using Microsoft Word
How to make a while background for Fashion images * only Japanese.

Help pages and such that can be referenced when adding products and editing listing, using a file format.

File Formats for BMVV > to add “Book”,“Music” and "DVD&Video" products.

How to resolve errors in the product registration file

Batch product registration using a file: Registration to an existing catalog
How to use feed file for new ASIN
New Inventory File and Price & Quantity File

Product Variations: Overview
Adding Product Variations Using Manage Inventory: Basic
Adding Product Variations Using Manage Inventory: Advanced

user profile

■■ Product listing FAQs (Except when using file formats) ■■

Followings are the frequently-asked-questions from sellers.
If you have any other questions, please contact Technical Support.

:arrow_forward:」 Click the arrow to open/close the menu.

■ To Add a Product, or Edit Listing ■

Q. Are there any specific rules in each category when adding a product?

A. Please refer to Listing Guideline.

Inventory file templates, Category listing guidelines, and BTG

Refer to “Listing Guideline (Rules)” in " Category-Specific Inventory File Templates (English).”

Q. How do I add a product without a GTIN?

A. Please refer to the following and request a GTIN exemption. You can add the product if you have the exemption.

How to list products that do not have a GTIN (UPC, EAN, JAN, or ISBN)

Q. I have a GTIN exemption, but don’t know how to add a product.

A. You should be able to add a product without entering anything in the product identifier and product identifier type fields in the Vital Info section.

You still need to fill in other required fields including “model number.”
(* For a product without a model number, please enter numbers randomly.)

▼ Adding a product in Seller Central

  1. From “Inventory,” go to “Add a Product” and to “Create a new product listing.”
  2. Select a category that has been approved.
  3. When entering a brand name, copy and paste the brand name submitted for Brand Registry.
  4. Enter the “Manufacturer Part Number”.

※ If you can’t find the “Manufacturer Part Number” in the tab “Vital Info,” click “Advanced View” to show details (refer to >the screenshot below), and enter a “Manufacturer Part Number” in the More details tab.

  1. Enter other required fields, such as product description and upload product images.
  2. Save and complete.
Q. I want to bundle merchandize as a set.

A. Here is a link to the Product Bundling Policy.

Product Bundling Policyu
UPC Guidelines for bundled products

When bundling a multiple number of the same items:

In some categories, you can list bundled items by entering an Item Pack Quantity (IPQ) while using the item’s single unit GTIN.
Item Package Quantity (IPQ) for buldled products.
※ Please refer to Listing Guideline to learn in which categories you can use a single unit GTIN.

When bundling various items, or items whose category does not have an IPQ:

If the bundled items do not have a unique product identifier, please request a GTIN exemption.
※ Please check if a Product Detail Page (ASIN) already exists for the bundled items before you request an exemption. If it does, please place listing to that page.

Q. How do I list a parallel-imported product?

A. When listing a parallel-imported product, please specify “JP ParallelImport” as the value in the [Distribution Designation] item, and enter the JAN/UPC code. Once you do this, a separate Product Detail Page (ASIN) other than the one for the regular item is created. The new ASIN title will automatically say [Parallel Imported Product].
※ If a Product Detail Page (ASIN) for your parallel-imported product already exists on our site, please place listing to that page.

If there is no [Distribution Designation] in the “Vital Info,” click on “Advanced View.” You will find it in the More Details tab.



See Help Page:Parallel Imported Products

Q. I see an error code 5461.

A. Product images that show UPC and brand name are required.

Please provide the following information to Technical Support:

・ Product name (including variations in color/size/measurement/model number etc.)
・ Brand
・ Manufacturer
・ Category
・(For inventory file process report)Batch ID
・ Images of the product (front and back of the product that include a bar code along with UPC and brand name)
・ Images of the product specification, tag, etc. that demonstrates the product identifier’s association with brand name.

Q. I updated food product listing information, but it’s not reflected on the Product Detail page.

A. The “Region of Origin” may not have the specified value. Please check the value and update if necessary.

How to edit detailed information:

Please refer to the following for the specified values.

Food&Beverage Inventory File Template > "Specified Value"Sheet > The Column "産地(region_of_origin)"

Q. When I enter a JAN code while adding a product, it shows as invalid.

A. Please change the pull-down menu to “EAN.”

How to edit detailed information:


■ Images ■

Q. Images that appear in Manage Inventory are not on the associated Product Description page.

A. Please refer to the following page:

Missing product images

You can also try clear cache on your browser.
※ For details, please refer to the browser’s help page.


  1. Go to the menu button (hamburger icon).
  2. Select “Options.”
  3. Select “Privacy & Security.”
  4. Select “Clear Data” from Cookies and Site Data.
  5. Check “Cached Web Content” only.
  6. Select “Clear.”

Google Chrome

  1. Go to the menu button (ellipsis icon).
  2. Go to “More tools” and select “Clear browsing data.”
  3. Select time range, and uncheck “Browsing history” and “Cookies and other site data.”
  4. Select “Clear data.”

Internet Explorer 11

  1. Go to the tool button (Gear icon).
  2. Go to “Safety” and select “Delete browsing history.”
  3. Check “Temporary Interne files and website files” only.
  4. Select “Delete.”

Microsoft Edge

  1. Go to the menu button (ellipsis icon).
  2. Go to “Settings.”
  3. Select “Privacy & security.”
  4. Select “Choose what to clear” from “Clear browsing data.”
  5. Only check “Cached data and files.”
  6. Select “Clear.”
user profile

■■ Product listing FAQs (Except when using file formats) ■■

Followings are the frequently-asked-questions from sellers.
If you have any other questions, please contact Technical Support.

:arrow_forward:」 Click the arrow to open/close the menu.

■ To Add a Product, or Edit Listing ■

Q. Are there any specific rules in each category when adding a product?

A. Please refer to Listing Guideline.

Inventory file templates, Category listing guidelines, and BTG

Refer to “Listing Guideline (Rules)” in " Category-Specific Inventory File Templates (English).”

Q. How do I add a product without a GTIN?

A. Please refer to the following and request a GTIN exemption. You can add the product if you have the exemption.

How to list products that do not have a GTIN (UPC, EAN, JAN, or ISBN)

Q. I have a GTIN exemption, but don’t know how to add a product.

A. You should be able to add a product without entering anything in the product identifier and product identifier type fields in the Vital Info section.

You still need to fill in other required fields including “model number.”
(* For a product without a model number, please enter numbers randomly.)

▼ Adding a product in Seller Central

  1. From “Inventory,” go to “Add a Product” and to “Create a new product listing.”
  2. Select a category that has been approved.
  3. When entering a brand name, copy and paste the brand name submitted for Brand Registry.
  4. Enter the “Manufacturer Part Number”.

※ If you can’t find the “Manufacturer Part Number” in the tab “Vital Info,” click “Advanced View” to show details (refer to >the screenshot below), and enter a “Manufacturer Part Number” in the More details tab.

  1. Enter other required fields, such as product description and upload product images.
  2. Save and complete.
Q. I want to bundle merchandize as a set.

A. Here is a link to the Product Bundling Policy.

Product Bundling Policyu
UPC Guidelines for bundled products

When bundling a multiple number of the same items:

In some categories, you can list bundled items by entering an Item Pack Quantity (IPQ) while using the item’s single unit GTIN.
Item Package Quantity (IPQ) for buldled products.
※ Please refer to Listing Guideline to learn in which categories you can use a single unit GTIN.

When bundling various items, or items whose category does not have an IPQ:

If the bundled items do not have a unique product identifier, please request a GTIN exemption.
※ Please check if a Product Detail Page (ASIN) already exists for the bundled items before you request an exemption. If it does, please place listing to that page.

Q. How do I list a parallel-imported product?

A. When listing a parallel-imported product, please specify “JP ParallelImport” as the value in the [Distribution Designation] item, and enter the JAN/UPC code. Once you do this, a separate Product Detail Page (ASIN) other than the one for the regular item is created. The new ASIN title will automatically say [Parallel Imported Product].
※ If a Product Detail Page (ASIN) for your parallel-imported product already exists on our site, please place listing to that page.

If there is no [Distribution Designation] in the “Vital Info,” click on “Advanced View.” You will find it in the More Details tab.



See Help Page:Parallel Imported Products

Q. I see an error code 5461.

A. Product images that show UPC and brand name are required.

Please provide the following information to Technical Support:

・ Product name (including variations in color/size/measurement/model number etc.)
・ Brand
・ Manufacturer
・ Category
・(For inventory file process report)Batch ID
・ Images of the product (front and back of the product that include a bar code along with UPC and brand name)
・ Images of the product specification, tag, etc. that demonstrates the product identifier’s association with brand name.

Q. I updated food product listing information, but it’s not reflected on the Product Detail page.

A. The “Region of Origin” may not have the specified value. Please check the value and update if necessary.

How to edit detailed information:

Please refer to the following for the specified values.

Food&Beverage Inventory File Template > "Specified Value"Sheet > The Column "産地(region_of_origin)"

Q. When I enter a JAN code while adding a product, it shows as invalid.

A. Please change the pull-down menu to “EAN.”

How to edit detailed information:


■ Images ■

Q. Images that appear in Manage Inventory are not on the associated Product Description page.

A. Please refer to the following page:

Missing product images

You can also try clear cache on your browser.
※ For details, please refer to the browser’s help page.


  1. Go to the menu button (hamburger icon).
  2. Select “Options.”
  3. Select “Privacy & Security.”
  4. Select “Clear Data” from Cookies and Site Data.
  5. Check “Cached Web Content” only.
  6. Select “Clear.”

Google Chrome

  1. Go to the menu button (ellipsis icon).
  2. Go to “More tools” and select “Clear browsing data.”
  3. Select time range, and uncheck “Browsing history” and “Cookies and other site data.”
  4. Select “Clear data.”

Internet Explorer 11

  1. Go to the tool button (Gear icon).
  2. Go to “Safety” and select “Delete browsing history.”
  3. Check “Temporary Interne files and website files” only.
  4. Select “Delete.”

Microsoft Edge

  1. Go to the menu button (ellipsis icon).
  2. Go to “Settings.”
  3. Select “Privacy & security.”
  4. Select “Choose what to clear” from “Clear browsing data.”
  5. Only check “Cached data and files.”
  6. Select “Clear.”
user profile

■■ FAQs on how to add products/edit product listing, using file formats■■

Followings are the frequently-asked-questions from sellers.
If you have any other questions, please contact Technical Support.

:arrow_forward:」 Click the arrow to open/close the menu.

Q. I see an error code 5461.

A. Product images that show UPC and brand name are required.

Please provide the following information to Technical Support:

・ Product name (including variations in color/size/measurement/model number etc.)
・ Brand
・ Manufacturer
・ Category
・(For inventory file process report)Batch ID
・ Images of the product (front and back of the product including bar code along with UPC and brand name)
・ Images of the product specification, tag, etc. that demonstrates the product identifier’s association with brand name.

Q. I don’t know how to register images using a file format.

A. You need to have your own or rented server in order to store images for upload.

※ Please provide a URL that is linked to your server. This URL must have third-party accessibility.
When using a file format, our system goes to your server, copies the product images specified by the provided URL, and uploads them to Amazon server.
The uploaded images appear on Amazon catalog as they are. As long as you can confirm that the images are displayed on the Product Detail page, the source images on your side can be removed.

You can bulk-upload images using a file, but cannot delete them all at once. Deletion must be done one by one.

Q. Any tips when using “partialupdate”?

A. When you want to change some of the product information in Manage Inventory, select “PartialUpdate” for Update/Edit in the file, and make changes to the relevant cells only. The ones that are left blank will remain unchanged.

Please note that some of the items in the file are recognized as the subordinates of the updated items, and if you leave these subordinates blank, an error may occur or they change to an initial setting.

:pushpin: For example,
● Updating “Quantity” while leaving “Lead Time” as blank.

⇒ Lead Time goes back to the Initial value.

● Updating “Quantity” while leaving “Restock Date” blank.

⇒ Restock Date goes back to the initial value.

● Updating “Quantity” while leaving “Fulfillment Center ID” blank.

⇒ It’s read as Seller fulfilled.

● Updating “Fulfillment Center ID” while leaving dangerous goods settings blank.

⇒ An error occurs.

● Updating “Standard Price” while leaving “points” values blank.

⇒ Points value goes back to the initial value.
※ This behavior is expected to be changed. Please see below:
Re. “Points” value change behavior when updating a formatted file/updating prices using Feed API [Updated on July 30]

● Updating “Condition Note” while leaving “Condition Type” blank.

⇒ An error occurs.

● Entering “Product Description” in bullet points.

⇒ You need to list up to five points. If any of the points is missing, the description remains as blank.

● ”Generic Keywords”

⇒ You need to fill in up to five keywords. If any of them is missing, keywords remain as blank.

● ”External Product ID” vs. “External Product ID Type.”

⇒ An error occurs if either is missing.

● “Sale Price,” “Sale From Date,” “Sale End Date” and “Standard Price.”

⇒ They all need to be filled in as a set, otherwise an error occurs.

● ”Sale Price Points”

⇒ If you want to update “Sale Price Points,” you also need to enter value in “Sale Price,” “Sale From Date,” “Sale End Date” and “Standard Price,” otherwise an error occurs.

They are some of the example cases when uploading an updated file format. If you face other issues, and find it difficult to resolve, please do not hesitate to contact Technical Support by phone. Our associate can assist you.

user profile

■■ FAQs on how to add products/edit product listing, using file formats■■

Followings are the frequently-asked-questions from sellers.
If you have any other questions, please contact Technical Support.

:arrow_forward:」 Click the arrow to open/close the menu.

Q. I see an error code 5461.

A. Product images that show UPC and brand name are required.

Please provide the following information to Technical Support:

・ Product name (including variations in color/size/measurement/model number etc.)
・ Brand
・ Manufacturer
・ Category
・(For inventory file process report)Batch ID
・ Images of the product (front and back of the product including bar code along with UPC and brand name)
・ Images of the product specification, tag, etc. that demonstrates the product identifier’s association with brand name.

Q. I don’t know how to register images using a file format.

A. You need to have your own or rented server in order to store images for upload.

※ Please provide a URL that is linked to your server. This URL must have third-party accessibility.
When using a file format, our system goes to your server, copies the product images specified by the provided URL, and uploads them to Amazon server.
The uploaded images appear on Amazon catalog as they are. As long as you can confirm that the images are displayed on the Product Detail page, the source images on your side can be removed.

You can bulk-upload images using a file, but cannot delete them all at once. Deletion must be done one by one.

Q. Any tips when using “partialupdate”?

A. When you want to change some of the product information in Manage Inventory, select “PartialUpdate” for Update/Edit in the file, and make changes to the relevant cells only. The ones that are left blank will remain unchanged.

Please note that some of the items in the file are recognized as the subordinates of the updated items, and if you leave these subordinates blank, an error may occur or they change to an initial setting.

:pushpin: For example,
● Updating “Quantity” while leaving “Lead Time” as blank.

⇒ Lead Time goes back to the Initial value.

● Updating “Quantity” while leaving “Restock Date” blank.

⇒ Restock Date goes back to the initial value.

● Updating “Quantity” while leaving “Fulfillment Center ID” blank.

⇒ It’s read as Seller fulfilled.

● Updating “Fulfillment Center ID” while leaving dangerous goods settings blank.

⇒ An error occurs.

● Updating “Standard Price” while leaving “points” values blank.

⇒ Points value goes back to the initial value.
※ This behavior is expected to be changed. Please see below:
Re. “Points” value change behavior when updating a formatted file/updating prices using Feed API [Updated on July 30]

● Updating “Condition Note” while leaving “Condition Type” blank.

⇒ An error occurs.

● Entering “Product Description” in bullet points.

⇒ You need to list up to five points. If any of the points is missing, the description remains as blank.

● ”Generic Keywords”

⇒ You need to fill in up to five keywords. If any of them is missing, keywords remain as blank.

● ”External Product ID” vs. “External Product ID Type.”

⇒ An error occurs if either is missing.

● “Sale Price,” “Sale From Date,” “Sale End Date” and “Standard Price.”

⇒ They all need to be filled in as a set, otherwise an error occurs.

● ”Sale Price Points”

⇒ If you want to update “Sale Price Points,” you also need to enter value in “Sale Price,” “Sale From Date,” “Sale End Date” and “Standard Price,” otherwise an error occurs.

They are some of the example cases when uploading an updated file format. If you face other issues, and find it difficult to resolve, please do not hesitate to contact Technical Support by phone. Our associate can assist you.

user profile

■■ Self-service Tools ■■

Suggest changes to your product detail page
Use Case: Requesting a product detail page change

user profile

■■ Self-service Tools ■■

Suggest changes to your product detail page
Use Case: Requesting a product detail page change

user profile

■■ Topic Overview ■■

Help pages, Amazon Seller University (Excerpts)

FAQs on product listing (except using file formats)

FAQ List

■ Adding a product/Updating product information■
Q. Are there any specific rules in each category when adding a product?
Q. How do I add a product without a GTIN?
Q. I have a GTIN exemption, but don’t know how to add a product.
Q. I want to bundle merchandize as a set.
Q. How do I list a parallel-imported product?
Q. I see an error code 5461.
Q. I updated food product listing information, but it’s not reflected on the Product Detail page.
Q. When I enter a JAN code for my product for product listing, it shows as invalid.
■ Images ■
Q. Images that appear in Manage Inventory are not on Product Description pages.

*FAQs on how to add products/edit product listing, using file formats

FAQ List

Q. I see an error code 5461
Q. I don’t know how to register images using file formats
Q. Any tips when using “partialupdate”?

Self-service Tools

Any feedback and request to this topic? Please visit here.


user profile

■■ Topic Overview ■■

Help pages, Amazon Seller University (Excerpts)

FAQs on product listing (except using file formats)

FAQ List

■ Adding a product/Updating product information■
Q. Are there any specific rules in each category when adding a product?
Q. How do I add a product without a GTIN?
Q. I have a GTIN exemption, but don’t know how to add a product.
Q. I want to bundle merchandize as a set.
Q. How do I list a parallel-imported product?
Q. I see an error code 5461.
Q. I updated food product listing information, but it’s not reflected on the Product Detail page.
Q. When I enter a JAN code for my product for product listing, it shows as invalid.
■ Images ■
Q. Images that appear in Manage Inventory are not on Product Description pages.

*FAQs on how to add products/edit product listing, using file formats

FAQ List

Q. I see an error code 5461
Q. I don’t know how to register images using file formats
Q. Any tips when using “partialupdate”?

Self-service Tools

Any feedback and request to this topic? Please visit here.



