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This is a forum established for sellers on Amazon.jp
to talk about and discuss Selling concerns, questions, and issues. [Seller Forum Guidelines] [Seller Forum Help: How to post]
We are unable to discuss your account-specific issues on the forum.
The best action is to create a case with your questions.
In order to contact Technical Support directly, you will need to create a case referring to this link.
Also, please read the Seller University listing basic questions.
Please search the forums first to see if the same or a similar topic has already been posted.
It’s possible that your question has already been answered, or that there’s already been an ongoing discussion about a topic you would like to discuss.
Try to join an existing conversation rather than starting a new one.
You may be able to receive more accurate advice by adding the information below when posting to the forums.
・Selling plans (Professional or Individual)
・ASIN(If not, please provide product information. For ASIN that may violate the rules, please contact us by using “Report a violation”)
・Screenshot(Please do not include any information that identifies individuals and other sellers. Content outside of Amazon cannot be posted.)
・Use bullet points/organize in time series etc. for complicated contents
Please note that this forum is a website that can be viewed by third parties.
Finally, please respectfully communicate with other sellers by considering their time and energy spent on posts in the forums.
We appreciate your cooperation and understanding.
*Amazon SellerForum Guidelines
– 日本語版は、こちら
This is a forum established for sellers on Amazon.jp
to talk about and discuss Selling concerns, questions, and issues. [Seller Forum Guidelines] [Seller Forum Help: How to post]
We are unable to discuss your account-specific issues on the forum.
The best action is to create a case with your questions.
In order to contact Technical Support directly, you will need to create a case referring to this link.
Also, please read the Seller University listing basic questions.
Please search the forums first to see if the same or a similar topic has already been posted.
It’s possible that your question has already been answered, or that there’s already been an ongoing discussion about a topic you would like to discuss.
Try to join an existing conversation rather than starting a new one.
You may be able to receive more accurate advice by adding the information below when posting to the forums.
・Selling plans (Professional or Individual)
・ASIN(If not, please provide product information. For ASIN that may violate the rules, please contact us by using “Report a violation”)
・Screenshot(Please do not include any information that identifies individuals and other sellers. Content outside of Amazon cannot be posted.)
・Use bullet points/organize in time series etc. for complicated contents
Please note that this forum is a website that can be viewed by third parties.
Finally, please respectfully communicate with other sellers by considering their time and energy spent on posts in the forums.
We appreciate your cooperation and understanding.
*Amazon SellerForum Guidelines
– 日本語版は、こちら
This is a forum established for sellers on Amazon.jp
to talk about and discuss Selling concerns, questions, and issues. [Seller Forum Guidelines] [Seller Forum Help: How to post]
We are unable to discuss your account-specific issues on the forum.
The best action is to create a case with your questions.
In order to contact Technical Support directly, you will need to create a case referring to this link.
Also, please read the Seller University listing basic questions.
Please search the forums first to see if the same or a similar topic has already been posted.
It’s possible that your question has already been answered, or that there’s already been an ongoing discussion about a topic you would like to discuss.
Try to join an existing conversation rather than starting a new one.
You may be able to receive more accurate advice by adding the information below when posting to the forums.
・Selling plans (Professional or Individual)
・ASIN(If not, please provide product information. For ASIN that may violate the rules, please contact us by using “Report a violation”)
・Screenshot(Please do not include any information that identifies individuals and other sellers. Content outside of Amazon cannot be posted.)
・Use bullet points/organize in time series etc. for complicated contents
Please note that this forum is a website that can be viewed by third parties.
Finally, please respectfully communicate with other sellers by considering their time and energy spent on posts in the forums.
We appreciate your cooperation and understanding.
*Amazon SellerForum Guidelines
– 日本語版は、こちら
This is a forum established for sellers on Amazon.jp
to talk about and discuss Selling concerns, questions, and issues. [Seller Forum Guidelines] [Seller Forum Help: How to post]
We are unable to discuss your account-specific issues on the forum.
The best action is to create a case with your questions.
In order to contact Technical Support directly, you will need to create a case referring to this link.
Also, please read the Seller University listing basic questions.
Please search the forums first to see if the same or a similar topic has already been posted.
It’s possible that your question has already been answered, or that there’s already been an ongoing discussion about a topic you would like to discuss.
Try to join an existing conversation rather than starting a new one.
You may be able to receive more accurate advice by adding the information below when posting to the forums.
・Selling plans (Professional or Individual)
・ASIN(If not, please provide product information. For ASIN that may violate the rules, please contact us by using “Report a violation”)
・Screenshot(Please do not include any information that identifies individuals and other sellers. Content outside of Amazon cannot be posted.)
・Use bullet points/organize in time series etc. for complicated contents
Please note that this forum is a website that can be viewed by third parties.
Finally, please respectfully communicate with other sellers by considering their time and energy spent on posts in the forums.
We appreciate your cooperation and understanding.
*Amazon SellerForum Guidelines
– 日本語版は、こちら
This is a forum established for sellers on Amazon.jp
to talk about and discuss Selling concerns, questions, and issues. [Seller Forum Guidelines] [Seller Forum Help: How to post]
We are unable to discuss your account-specific issues on the forum.
The best action is to create a case with your questions.
In order to contact Technical Support directly, you will need to create a case referring to this link.
Also, please read the Seller University listing basic questions.
Please search the forums first to see if the same or a similar topic has already been posted.
It’s possible that your question has already been answered, or that there’s already been an ongoing discussion about a topic you would like to discuss.
Try to join an existing conversation rather than starting a new one.
You may be able to receive more accurate advice by adding the information below when posting to the forums.
・Selling plans (Professional or Individual)
・ASIN(If not, please provide product information. For ASIN that may violate the rules, please contact us by using “Report a violation”)
・Screenshot(Please do not include any information that identifies individuals and other sellers. Content outside of Amazon cannot be posted.)
・Use bullet points/organize in time series etc. for complicated contents
Please note that this forum is a website that can be viewed by third parties.
Finally, please respectfully communicate with other sellers by considering their time and energy spent on posts in the forums.
We appreciate your cooperation and understanding.
*Amazon SellerForum Guidelines